Thursday, 20 September 2012

Next Animation

I am developing my next animation. It is going to be something to do with zombies. So watch this space. More to come...

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Since 6th August - 9th September.

So to update what I have been up to in the last month. I have been reading, watching various comedies and developing story ideas. Whether to use as inspiration for animations or as stories in their own right I'm not sure. I have also been writing more poetry and am in general just trying to be productive in some sort of way. As can be seen in my previous post I have also been doing some drawing. The inspiration for the Crazy Magpie collection coming from a friend with the same nickname. From developing this style I am going to go forward and use the style in relation to other animals and objects.

More to come...

Crazy Magpie

Been trying some different types of art and here is the result. Both pictures being of Magpies.