Friday 26 October 2012

Dead Like Me

Started to watch Dead Like Me again. A show all about a girl who only starts to live once she dies. She learns all of life's lessons after she dies, because this is the time when she actually starts to pay attention to what is happening around her.
I like the show because it is full of black humour, and although I may not laugh at this as much as other comedy I prefer this much more because it is taking a subject that you may not necessarily laugh at and adding humour into it.

What I have been doing

I have created a new blog just about the animation at I have also created a vimeo account to upload to at as well as a twitter account @AniZombies as part of the marketing and distribution aspects for the animation.
I have also been working on the budget for the animation as well as doing research for my dissertation.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

More Zombie Drawings

Just uploaded some more photos of my friends as Zombies if you look at the Zombie Drawings page. There is also one of 'Walking the Dog' as a comic strip. The big reveal is finally here.

Monday 22 October 2012

An Idea

This shows a good way I think, that if you can't shorten your idea down.Then you may have a hard time. I think it shows a nice easy way to think about your ideas.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Zombie Drawings.

I have now uploaded the photos of my Zombie Drawings, now on a separate page for you to peruse through. In relation to my last post about 'Walking the Dog', I have to say that a dog will not be in the clip.

Zombie Animation Update.

So since the last post I have been drawing more zombies and I have started drawing 3 box comic strips acting as my storyboards. I will upload the drawings of the zombies later today.
In the meantime, think about this idea involving a dog.
"A Zombie 'Walking the Dog'".
It is not what you will be thinking.
More to come later today...

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Zombie Animation

So my next animation is definately going to be about Zombies. My idea has changed somewhat from what it was originally. However I have spent the last week drawing zombies so I will upload some of these pictures soon. In the meantime I have been developing the ideas for what I am actually going to animate and I have decided that I am going to do a series of short clips that are going to be 10-15 seconds long. This is so that I can concentrate fully on the animation to make is as best as I can rather than trying to do one long one that I may end up making not so well.

Watch this space. More to come.....