Thursday 13 February 2014


Have watched George A. Romero's Land Of the Dead (2005). Here is my review.

I enjoyed this as it showed a deeper meaning to what being a Zombie is. After all in generic Zombie Films the Zombie is the antagonist that needs to be killed so the heroes can get to the safe destination. What was different here was that the Zombies were becoming self aware, so that rather than just ambling around they were becoming organised. This seemed to breathe life into the genre.
However, it is still based on one of the 7 basic story types, that of Overcoming the Monster. Although, because of the way the film has been developed this is a murky area. What you realise is that rather than the Zombies being the monsters they are just a side show to who the real monsters are. The film shows what many people suspect. That the rich would use the situation to stay rich and to keep those beneath them downtrodden. Indeed it was almost inevitable that the Rich would have their downfall as they were still hanging onto the old world, by leading parties to gather remnants of food, medicine and whatever else was left over from the old world. This was a problem as to truly survive then they would need to start again and build up their own new community and to make everything from scratch. The problem being that the rich as portrayed don't know how to do this and are always relying on others to hold them up whilst oppresing these very same people.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


Have just watched Tim Burton's Corps Bride.

Although animation it is still a typical love story with references to Romeo and Juliet and numerous other love stories. The difference here being that it is stop motion animation as opposed to live action. It is a very cleverly done animation. Very slick, but then professional animation usually is. It has a fluidity that would be very hard to achieve in live action as everything is designed specifically for the animation and shot carefully. This is a degree of control that you cannot get in live action. My only problem is that it just seems too good, but I suppose this makes it better as you know it is animation trying to be animation rather than animation trying to be live action.

Monday 10 February 2014


Stuff that I have been working on in the last week include, camera movements and zombie fonts.

First the camera movements. I have been looking at a better way at connecting the clips that make up my zombie animation. First off I started looking at zooming in and zooming out, and discovered that this didn't work. The problem I believe is that because I have limited detail in my animation it just doesn't work to zoom in and then zoom out, as you end up with big blurred detail rather than a refined look. Because of this I have decided yo use the morphing technique to link up the clips. With the limited detail in the clips it works a lot better morphing as the technique enables me to link by shrinking all the detail into a ball and then expanding this into whatever I need it to, this is something that I have always found an interesting thing to as it really does allow me to convert anything into anything.

Secondly, the Zombie fonts. From the research that I have done, fonts come in all shapes and sizes but the one thing that I have noticed is that these fonts are usually covered in blood. So whichever font I do use, it will come covered in blood.

Added extra, I have also designed my own ident that I can include at the start of any of my animations.